5 Facts about Eternity, the Embodiment of the Marvel Universe that appeared in Thor: Love and Thunder

 There is a unique character named Eternity that appears in Thor: Love and Thunder. Let's look at the facts of the character!

Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) features the villain Gorr the God Butcher who has a deep grudge against the gods. To achieve his goal of exterminating the gods, Gorr seeks to meet Eternity, a figure who can grant any wish to the person who first met him.

Gorr finally managed to find Eternity, but he chose to bring his son back to life instead of destroying the gods. Those of you who have watched Love and Thunder must have seen the figure of Eternity which has a unique form like a galaxy in the human body. So, what exactly is Eternity?

To answer your confusion about this character, let's look at the facts about Eternity!


Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder

1. The figure of a cosmic entity that was first introduced through the comic Strange Tales #138 , which was released in November 1965.

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder Via Special

Created by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Eternity is actually an abstract entity that embodies the Marvel universe itself. Although an abstract entity, Eternity is an anthropomorphic creature so he can form a body. That's the reason why Eternity has a galactic shape like the one you saw in Love and Thunder .

Eternity along with his brother, named Infinity, was born from the Big Bang process. Before Eternity and Infinity were born, there used to be only a single universe called First Firmament. For information, the First Firmament is the entity that created the Celestials and Aspirants. Tragically, the First Firmament was destroyed by the war between the two creations.

These fragments of the First Firmament then form a new being consisting of hundreds of universes, namely the Second Cosmos, which is the first multiverse . Each time it evolves, the Second Cosmos dies and is reborn up to six times. Well, all of these evolutionary processes reflect the birth of Eternity.


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2. In the comics universe, the first two humans to make contact with Eternity were the Ancient One and Doctor Strange.

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder Via Special

Eternity debuted in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) through the film Love and Thunder and Gorr is told as the first MCU character to encounter Eternity. In the comics universe, Eternity even debuted in the comic series Doctor Strange. In his debut appearance in the comics, it was told that the Ancient One was the first human to meet Eternity, then Doctor Strange was followed.

In Strange Tales #138 , Doctor Strange goes to Eternity for help. Because at that time, the Ancient One was completely attacked by Mordo and his minions. The battle was getting fiercer because Dormammu was secretly helping Mordo in attacking the Ancient One.

Instead of powering up, Eternity just ensures that Doctor Strange is able to defeat Mordo and Dormammu without any additional powers. According to Eternity, the key to defeating Mordo and Dormammu is wisdom. Eternity's words were proven and Doctor Strange was able to defeat the two enemies.

3. Eternity has a “child” or insight that becomes a separate, independent entity.

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder Via Special

Although told as an abstract cosmic entity, Eternity is also told to have children in the comics universe. The child referred to here is not a child resulting from the reproductive process, yes. However, the child generated by Eternity is more accurately described as an insight created as a new entity.

Eternity turned out to have given birth to quite a few children, including Empathy, Eulogy, Expediency, Entropy, Epiphany, Enmity, and Eon. Unfortunately, Eon is told to be killed and the Entity replaces him with a new entity, namely Epoch. In some of the latest Marvel comic series, Entity is told to create other new children, including Now, Then, Explosion, and Gravitation.

Love and Thunder does not feature one of the children Eternity mentioned above. However, Eternity granted Gorr's request to resurrect Love, who was Gorr's son. Indirectly, Love can also be regarded as Eternity's son. No wonder Love looks quite strong in the last scene of Love and Thunder .


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4. As the embodiment of the universe, Eternity is an almost omnipotent entity.

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder

Facts about Eternity, the embodiment of the Marvel universe in Thor: Love and Thunder Via Special

Eternity has unlimited ability to manipulate time, space, matter, energy, magic, or reality for any purpose. Eternity is even capable of manipulating the multiverse to achieve the desired effect. As the name suggests, Eternity is an eternal entity and is unaffected by the passage of time.

With its ability to manipulate space and matter, Eternity is able to manifest physically in any form, including possessing creatures that already exist in the universe. Since MCU phase 4 will explore the multiverse , will Eternity have an important role in the future of the MCU?

5. In the comics universe, Thanos once surpassed his powers of Eternity when he used the Infinity Gems and Heart of the Universe artifacts.

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Eternity usually only shows its form when there is a threat to the universe, including when Thanos managed to collect the Infinity Gems (which are referred to as Infinity Stones in the MCU) and get the Heart of the Universe. With the artifact, Thanos was able to surpass Eternity's powers, imprison the entity, and prove that Eternity isn't really all-powerful.

While wielding the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos grants a set of powers to abstract entities. In his opinion, Eternity had power that was above all other abstract entities, but ranked below the Living Tribunal.


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